Why We Exist

Breaking Barriers to Education
with Immersive Technology

Education improves the world.   It empowers critical thinking, empathy, and innovation.  Without sharing knowledge, progress is limited to a lifetime.

However, despite its significance, there exists countless barriers to education – such as overworked educators and resource limitations.  

LearnSesh is transforming educational experiences to support educators, teach students more effectively, and provide results for stakeholders.

Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash
Photo by Cash on Unsplash

Our Vision

Empowered Educators Providing
Unlimited Educational Experiences

Imagine a distraction-free virtual classroom filled with self-paced students on a field trip to study gravity on Mars.  

You travel between student groups, quickly creating personalized and interactive experiences for every student and difficult concept.

When the session ends, progress is tracked, parents are automatically updated, and you never had to change out of your pajamas.

Barriers We're Breaking

Resource Limitations

Any job is impossible when you lack the materials, tools, and team required. We’re ensuring educators can teach effectively by providing them unlimited resources.

Geographic Limits

Seeking help used to be constrained by driving distance.  Now people can meet from across the world to have immersive and engaging ‘in-person’ experiences.

Visualizing Abstract Concepts

Not everything can be learned from a screen.  Interactive 3D Visualizations allow for hands-on experiences that improve learning and retention.

One Size Fits Enough

Students have diverse strengths, weaknesses, and learning speeds.  Educators can now simultaneously teach for unique or even conflicting needs.

Educators Need More Support

Educator responsibilities have grown, but dedicated tools and support have fallen behind.  Our tools are designed to be flexible and enable you to teach your way.

Student Engagement

With all the games and social media surrounding students, it can be hard to fight for their attention.  Our immersive technology keeps students focused.

Routinely Difficult Concepts

Some concepts are harder than others, causing predictable slow-downs and frustrations by the majority of students.  We provide interventions to help.

Improving Parent Involvement

It takes a village to raise a child, but do you get along with your neighbors?  Parents and Guardians can be essential allies, so we work to keep them involved.

Neurodiversity Support

How well do you use scissors designed for your non-dominant hand?  When tools aren’t designed for your needs, frustration can be the least of your concerns.

Our Network

Working together to transform the world

Our Founders

William (Glen) Carlisle


Glen went from requiring speech therapy to tutoring peers to becoming valedictorian.  From his these experiences, he’s become passionate about meeting students and educators where they are, and providing the tools and support they need to succeed.

His work includes XR (Virtual/Augments/Mixed Reality) development, business/marketing, and UI/UX.  

Isaiah Weiss


A serial entrepreneur with a focus on collaboration, Isaiah is passionate about using technology to make learning more effective and cooperative. He graduated UC San Diego with a double major in International Business and Physics. His experience and network span across accelerators, incubators, and startup studios. Outside of work, he likes to spend time with his family and keep up on sports!

Coast to Coast

Starting in San Diego, our team has spread across the United States, allowing us to provide responsive service, regardless of your time zone.

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